The fundamental purpose of the library is to promote reading. Reading supports all aspects of school life and forms the basis for academic achievement. We believe pleasure motivates reading and our activities revolve around this central tenet. The Library provides an intellectually and culturally open environment to promote curiosity, multiliteracies and international mindedness.
Amity’s libraries are well stocked and rapidly growing with a modern collection that enables students, staff and parents to access, understand, create and exchange a rich diversity of information and ideas.
We encourage families to develop and maintain the habit of reading. We offer parent workshops discussing, amongst other things, literacy, social media and multilingualism.
Our libraries permeate the school based on the principles of the learning commons. We offer a comfortable engaging environment which provides for collaboration, individual study and relaxation. The librarians work collaboratively with teachers to create authentic learning opportunities that support the curriculum and are available for assistance with inquiry, school work or advice on book selection.
Amity’s catalogues are available through the following links: